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Financial health is a privilege that should be afforded to everyone – and it starts with you and your personal finance education.

Frequently people have spent many, many years gaining skills that will help them land a job, command a higher salary, or start a business; yet little or no time is spent helping themselves save, invest, and grow their money.

At Abunda Financial, we strive to support you in moving ahead in the lifelong journey to grow your financial literacy and empower you to improve your financial and personal well-being.

So happy to be part of your journey!

Janet currently serves as a part-time instructor in personal finance at the College of Marin and University of California, San Diego – Extended Studies.

Winter 2025


A portfolio is nothing more, and nothing less, than a collection of assets. A big part of financial literacy is understanding how to manage your portfolio.

To have a winning portfolio, you need a clear understanding of todays’ fundamental investment principles and concepts. Key principles include asset allocation, diversification, rebalancing, and how to weather the natural ebbs and flows of the market. A basic knowledge of these principles can help you better understand the underlying forces that shape the market, so you’ll be able to manage your portfolio with more clarity.

The goal of portfolio management is to improve your financial wealth to the degree where you stand to achieve and maintain financial stability and independence. In this course, you will learn how seasoned investors are generating investment returns to grow their wealth and gain the framework of understanding you need to craft an investment strategy for yourself.

6 – 7:30pm | 4 Mondays: 2/3, 2/10, 2/27 and 3/3 (no class 2/17)| College of Marin

To enroll:
Your Investment Portfolio–Crafting Your Strategy

Online Catalog:

College of Marin Community Education Classes

UCSD: Returning soon


Want to be smart with your personal finances? This 4-week workshop will introduce you to the essentials of a financial plan and provide a roadmap to follow for your own financial planning process. Topics covered to include:

  • Learning to build wealth
  • Financial life stages
  • Understanding your current financial situation
  • Setting your financial goals
  • Creating a cash flow and savings plan
  • To-Debt or Not-to-Debt

Topics to be discussed may include the fundamentals of financial fitness, personal budgeting, emergency savings, wealth accumulation, and financial independence.

Returning soon | UC San Diego, Extended Studies


To enroll:

Money Essentials: Financial Planning I